Albert Anderson – unsolved

albert anderson



In 1983, Albert Anderson, aged in his sixties, was found dead in his flat at the corner of Waltham Road and Hastings Street, Christchurch. He was lying on his back with his throat cut, but an eiderdown (bedspread) had been placed over the body, including the head.

Anderson’s son who had come to visit him discovered the body. He had knocked on the door of his father’s home and, unable to get a response, had phoned his sister. The sister phoned her father and got no reply.

No motive for the murder was ever established. The fact that the body had been covered had the police baffled somewhat and they called in a psychologist to try and come up with a reason for this. It was believed that that the covering of the body was a sign that the offender might have known his victim.

The police received information that two people had mugged an old guy in his flat, on the same night and they thought they had killed him. These offenders both had a violent history and lived in the same area as Anderson. This line of inquiry proved to be a “red herring”. Another old age pensioner had been attacked in his home but on the other side of town and he had been too scared to call police.

This case remains unsolved.
